Nike athlete brochure.
This was a handout at an international track event and profiled all of Nike’s track athletes.
Cover and inside spread of brochure for Cadmus Magazine Printing.
Congregation Beth Ahabah just wanted a pocket folder.
What they needed was a unique way to communicate a vision for the future of the synagogue and
inspire members to feel a part of a larger community and ultimately contribute to the capital campaign.
I recommended a box that fits in your hands. Inside are 41 different cards explaining why to donate.
Cover and inside spread of brochure for Imedeen, a wrinkle reduction pill.
Anne Archer was the spokesperson.
Covers and inside spread of brochures for Reynolds Metals Company.
Cover and inside spread of brochure for Intermodal Founding Fathers of North America Conference.
Intermodal is defined as the utilization of several modes of transportation to move freight.
Christmas mailer for Siddall Matus & Coughter.
Ad for Sheltering Arms
Two way conversations with patients, via questions and answers in
newspaper, worked well to drive patient visits up.
Cover and inside spread of book for Congregation Beth Ahabah.
This was a pro bono project I instigated to preserve this history.
Cover and inside spread of ‘Pages from my Life’ Journal.
This is a journal book with prompts to write one’s life story.
I organized, wrote and designed this book because I saw a need.